“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
\「これからの暮らし ESSE 」金... 「新 大人の普段着」やインスタグラムなどで人気の”あっこたん”こと金子敦子さんの”ものの持ち方”が特集されている「これからの暮らし ESSE...
はたを織る、日常 photo by @monchouchou at @furuhashi.weaving - - - - - - - - - - - ...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“ENSHU Textile × H... HUIS’ clothes are almost exclusively made of Enshu-Orimono. Texture mo...
“金子敦子さんによるHU... 「新 大人の普段着」やインスタグラムなどで人気の”あっこたん”こと金子敦子さんに、HUISの秋冬新作アイテムでコーディネートしていただきまし...